School Day Info » Dismissal


There are two main types of dismissal at AVA. The regular, every-day dismissal and the Severe Weather/Lightning Dismissal. Click the links below to expand for more information about these dismissal procedures. 
Students who walk to/from school are automatically dismissed at 3:30 pm to walk home. The school must have a Walker Permission Form on file before the student will be released. Students who walk outside and meet parents on the sidewalk are also considered walkers and we must have the Permission Form completed. 
Procedure for PreK Siblings K-8
The PreK sibling policy at dismissal is changing slightly. These students will still be dismissed with the walkers but PreK siblings will no longer meet their parents in the PreK hallway. With the addition of the new classroom and more families, the PreK area is not large enough for it to be the meeting area.
The new meeting area for PreK siblings is the first-floor hallway as you enter the new building.  It is a large, open space and will accommodate all the PreK siblings. PreK parents have been informed of this change. Parents may wish to arrange another meeting spot with their child, it is fine for them to do so.
If your student will be picked up in Carpool, you will display your Carpool/Family number in your window. Students will go out to meet you in your car when called. 
Morning Drop-Off
Drop-off will begin at 7:45 am. If you are dropping off students in both programs, they may
all be dropped off at this time. There will be no supervision prior to 7:45 am. 
Afternoon Pick-Up
Afternoon pick-up will run from 3:30 pm to 3:55 pm for all students.
When students are picked up after 3:55 pm, parents must come into the front office and sign out the student. 
Parents of Pre-K students must park and sign their children in and out of school each day. 
Any student picked after 3:55 pm will be assessed a $1.00 per minute late fee. The fee (cash or check) is due and payable at the time of pick up. If payment cannot be made at that time, AVA will add the charge to your parent portal.
When there is dangerous weather in the area, we may need to initiate a “Severe Weather/Lightning Dismissal” (“Severe Weather/Lightning Dismissal” means that for the safety of students, we will hold students inside their
classrooms until the storm has passed).

ASPEN VIEW ACADEMY will initiate a lightning dismissal when lightning is within 6 miles of the school. We use Weather Bug as our official weather monitoring tool. AVA does have a Weather Bug station on our building. We will communicate with an email and a message letting parents know that we are initiating a Lightning Dismissal.
During a Lightning/Severe Weather Dismissal please follow the below protocol:
Students will be held in their classrooms until their parents enter the building at 3:30pm and go directly to their student’s homeroom to sign their student(s) out with their teacher then escort their students out of the building.
BASE Students
Students going to BASE will remain in their classrooms until it is safe to proceed out to the BASE Building.

PreK Families and Siblings
Students will be held in their classrooms until their parents enter the building at 3:30pm and go directly to their student’s homeroom to sign their student(s) out with their teacher then escort their students out of the building.

Students who will be picked up in the carpool line
Students will remain in their classrooms under the supervision of their teachers. Students will be able to read, draw, watch a video, listen to music, start homework, etc. until their parent(s) comes to sign them out from the classroom.

Walkers and Bikers
If your student typically walks or rides their bike home, they will be released as soon as the danger has passed.
Parents picking up their child(ren) on Low Meadow Blvd.
Students who are being picked up on Low Meadow Blvd. will be released once the severe weather passes and it is safe to release students.

How Will I Know If It Is Time to Pick Up My Child?
When the dangerous weather has passed students will be released following our normal procedures.
Weather in Colorado can often be unpredictable and, for some reason, loves to occur right at dismissal time. Usually, these storms pass quickly, however, they also can linger. AVA cannot release students until the severe weather has passed and conditions are safe.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience as such a delay will test everyone’s patience. Please remember, this is done for your safety as well as the safety of our staff and students.