School Day Info » Attendance


Attendance Counts
You can report a student absent from school the following ways. Please report the absence before 8:30 am the day of the absence. 
  1. Call the Attendance Line - 303-660-5940
  2. Complete the Attendance Form (click here or use link to the right)
  3. Email [email protected]
Please make sure to include the following information in your message:
  • Student Name
  • Reason for absence/tardy
  • The name/relationship of the person reporting the absence/tardy
Early pick-up of students should be completed before 3:00 pm to avoid the congestion that occurs during afternoon pick-up. Parents must sign out their student in the office. The student will be contacted to come to the office for dismissal. For the safety and security of all students, parents must wait in the office for their child. 
All absences and tardies must be called in to the attendance line at 303-660-5940 or reported via email/website form app no later than 8:30 a.m. If you have not contacted the office by 8:30 a.m., the main office will contact you to ensure the safety of your child(ren).
Being late to school is disruptive to the educational process, and attendance is taken at the start of every class. Any student not seated, ready to learn, by the beginning of class will be marked tardy. Students who accumulate five or more tardies in a month will lose dress of choice privileges.
K-5 students who arrive after the start of school must be signed in at the Main Office by a parent or guardian.
Middle school students may sign themselves in with a call from the parent or guardian.
A tardy is considered excused if the student is at an appointment and the parent provides a signed doctor’s note. Parents are urged to inform the office and teacher in advance of scheduled appointments.
Excused absences include those due to illness (temporary or extended), family emergency, pre-approved extended absences, and medical appointments that could not be scheduled outside of the school day. All full-day and half-day absences will be recorded. Upon returning from an absence, bring your child’s teacher a note explaining the absence. The student will have two (2) days to complete school and homework for each day of the absence. If the student completes all work in the allotted time, they will be given full credit for the work.

School days missed for family vacations or trips are unexcused unless the school is notified at least two weeks in advance. An Extended Absence Form must be signed by the parent and submitted to the office at least two weeks prior to the absence. Families should be prepared to ensure that the education of their student continues during the
proposed vacation or trip.

Unexcused absences are absences (with or without prior knowledge and approval of the parents) that are not acceptable to the administration. An absence is classified as unexcused if a parent/guardian fails to properly notify the school of the absence. Unexcused absences also include those resulting from out-of-school suspensions and

Habitually truant students are those who have four (4) or more unexcused absences with a one (1) month period or ten (10) or more unexcused absences during one (1) school year. Once a student is deemed habitually truant, the school administration shall notify the student’s parent/guardian in writing. In cooperation, the parent/guardian, teacher and school administration will develop a plan to prevent any further unexcused absences. As a last resort, court action may be initiated by the school administration when necessary to enforce attendance requirements. If students have ten (10) unexcused consecutive absences, without any communication with the school, the student may be withdrawn from school.

AVA tracks attendance and tardies closely. Each time a student has five (5) absences or seven (7) tardies within a single trimester, either excused or unexcused, administration will send home a letter informing the parent/guardian of the situation. If there are an additional five (5) absences of five (5) tardies in the same trimester, either excused of unexcused, another letter will be sent home requesting a conference with the parent/guardian, the assistant principal and the classroom teacher.
Regular attendance is considered critical for a good education at AVA. We strongly encourage parents to see that students attend school on a regular basis. If your student is absent or tardy, we ask that you please call the school as soon as possible. This will eliminate a call to you at home or work. When a student leaves during the day, a
parent/guardian must sign them out at the office. Students may not be checked out from the classroom. Parents are asked to notify the office, in writing, when they have prior knowledge of students’ upcoming absences and/or early dismissals.

State law requires school attendance by every child between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16) years. Attendance in class is an integral part of the successful educational process. Students are required to be in attendance every day school is in session during each academic school year. Parents, guardians, and legal custodians of students between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16) are obligated by state law to ensure the child’s attendance.
The courts may issue orders against the child, child’s parent, or both compelling the child to attend school or the parent take reasonable steps to assure the child’s attendance. The order may require the parent, child, or both to follow an appropriate treatment plan that addresses problems affecting the child’s school attendance and that ensures an opportunity for the child to obtain a quality education.
Because AVA emphasizes classroom instruction, within the context of a sequential and challenging curriculum, regular attendance is a necessary component for success. Although a student can make up assignments, the benefit of a knowledgeable teacher leading a class discussion cannot be replaced.

Any student who is absent for 10 consecutive school days or 10 days total in one school year for any reason other than a documented medical reason may be considered truant per Colorado law. In these instances, AVA will meet with the parents to consider whether AVA is the best choice for that student.