Annual Registration
Registration is a two-step process for AVA families. All currently-enrolled AVA families must complete both steps every year before school begins in August.
STEP ONE: Complete Express Check-in through DCSD
Express-Check-in is required for all families whose students attend a school in Douglas County School District. This usually opens mid-July for all families to complete. Parent Instructions for using Express Check-In can be found here.
DCSD Express Check-In is used to update the following information:
- Update household contact information (phone, email, etc).
- Update student Health Information (allergies, medications, conditions, etc)
- Update student Media Limitations
- Pay annual Student Fees
- Review district-required information
The deadline for Express Check-In (K-8th only) must be met by ALL families; failure to meet the registration deadlines may result in your child being unenrolled from Aspen View Academy and an offer extended to another student on our waitlist.
STEP TWO: Complete AVA-specific Check-in documents
In addition to Express Check-In, Aspen View Academy has its own forms that must be completed prior to the start of school. The forms that are required for AVA check-in can be found on the ANNUAL REGISTRATION FORMS page.