Academics » Academics


AcademicsStudents at AVA are guided toward academic excellence through a challenging, stimulating, and balanced learning environment. Together, with our students, faculty, parents, and community, students at AVA learn to become critical thinkers, responsible citizens, strong community members and future leaders. The academic focus is on the individual student; differentiated instruction and skill grouping will be utilized. The curriculum emphasizes math, technology, and language arts and will be infused with instruction in art, physical education, and character development. 



The Core Knowledge Sequence is a research-based program founded by Dr. E.D. Hirsch, Jr. and utilized by over 60 schools in Colorado. Students are exposed to language arts, history, and geography, visual arts, music, mathematics, and science topics that build from year to year in a clearly defined, sequential manner. The goal is to ensure that all children are given access to the same knowledge base that assures later educational success.
Core Knowledge also provides opportunities for learners to use higher order thinking and reasoning skills while motivating students to become life-long learners. Furthermore, Core Knowledge encourages cooperation among students, schools, and communities, providing many opportunities for parents and community members to become involved.


The Saxon Math program is implemented for mathematics at Aspen View Academy. No matter how well students initially learn a concept, if they are not able to retain their learning, connect it to other concepts, and apply it in problem-solving situations, they have not reached mastery.  Saxon Math is designed to support the long-term mastery and applications that will make a difference during testing and in students’ future education and careers.

According to the pedagogy, Saxon is:

  • Incremental – concepts are taught in small, approachable progressions.  This means students have time to understand and practice a small portion of the concept before adding the next more difficult increment.

  • Distributed – increments are spread throughout the year, building complexity, so that by the end of the year students have reached deep understanding and fluency.

  • Cumulative –  practice and assessments include concepts from the most recent lessons as well as from earlier in the year, ensuring that students retain all concepts and can make connections between them.