Karen Davis » Curriculum/Classes


Math: You can expect  your student to have math homework every night, Mon-Thurs.  This should be written in their planner.  They ALSO have homework to practice times tables for 5 minutes each night. They may complete a practice sheet, or you may practice flashcards with them for 5 minutes and sign their planner that they did it.  THIS IS FOR A GRADE, so please make sure that your student completes this each night.
**If your student's math book didn't get covered, here is a link for how to do that with a brown grocery bag!  
Spelling:  We use A-Z vocabulary for practice and tests. They need to log on to https://www.vocabularya-z.com/#!/member-home They will then hit the green student log in button. They will enter my teacher code: kdavis621. The class list will come up and they will click on their name. Their password is Ava (only the first A capitalized) and their lunch# Ex: Ava123456 It is an on-line program that the kids can use to practice and take their tests. If your student prefers, or learns better, by doing paper and pencil practice, there is a list below of activities they may do (each bolded activity counts as 1 day's homework). Either way, they need to complete 4 practice activities (unless it is a short week) by Friday, and then we will take our test on Friday.
Rainbow words:  Write each word in one color. Then trace over it again in a different color.  Then copy it again one more time in a third color.
Syllables:  Write each word out two times each, separating it with dashes by syllable.  Ex:  el-e-phant
Vowels and Consonants:  Write each word two times, using one color for vowels (including y), and one color for consonants.
Draw:  For each word, use the word and draw a picture from the word to illustrate what it means.
Write each word using shapes.  I need to be able to read the word clearly. 
Three formats:  Write each word--1st printed, 2nd in cursive, 3rd in a color
Spelling steps:  Step, spell each word.  Ex:  c   co   col   colo   color
Flashy Words: Make a set of flashcards for studying your words. Put them in an envelope or sandwich bag and turn in with your spelling homework.
Writing: Students will generally have a writing assignment weekly in both Reading and Homeroom, but these assignments are usually completed in class.
Grammar:  We use Shurley Grammar as our learning platform.  It is an in-depth grammar program that starts each lesson with a "jingle" to help them learn the different parts of speech and its function. If you would like to have your student practice these jingles at home, they may be found on this website:  
Reading: We are ending the year with a fun novel, Treasure Island!!  We will combine that with the use the Wonders Reading Curriculum to help us focus on different genres of reading each week as well as different vocabulary and specific reading strategies. A few times throughout the year we will also do novel studies which offer rich literature and rigor.  
Most of our work for Davis Reading will be done in class.  There will be one Fluency homework assignment each week. Normally fluency homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and be due back on Thursday. Please time your student for one minute while they read aloud.  They will underline what word they ended on, calculate the number of that word (we have learned how to do this in class) and record it on the back page.  Please time them for a minute a 2nd time while they read aloud--again from the beginning--and record how far they got this time.  *Please note this portion may be done together in class, but please have them do it with you at home if it has not been done in class) Finally, they should finish reading the passage--silently is fine now, and then answer the questions.  This weekly homework will help work on both fluency and comprehension.
History:  We are starting a unit on the First Presidents.  This is a very different unit.  There will be weekly quizes rather than a large test at the end.  Because of this, there will be no quizlets or study guides sent home.  It will be based on them just listening and learning and then showing what they learned each week.  
Here are the many topics that we cover:
Early Presidents: Washington through Jackson
  • Washington Becomes President
  • The First Year
  • Hamilton and Jefferson
  • The First Adam
  • A New Capital for the New Nation
  • The Many-Sided Jefferson
  • "Mr. Madison's War"
  • Monroe and the Second Adam
  • Jackson and the Common Man
Science:  May be found on Mrs. Lipnick's website