Jessica Kendall » Mrs. Kendall

Mrs. Kendall

Logging in to Google Classroom:

* Please use your student's username with the extension "" when logging into both the google web browser and the google application (some user names have numbers in them). The PW is Ava and their lunch number. Please see the format example below:

[email protected]



* As a reminder, your student's username and password came home in October.  A colored half sheet of paper was signed and returned stating you received this information and your student showed you how they log in with this information.


* Both the Google application and the Classroom must be logged in this way. You, as the parent, cannot be logged into Google and then your student try to log into Google Classroom. 


* If you continue to have problems, please e-mail our IT Department at [email protected] and they can help! 

August 2023 - Hello!
My name is Jessica Kendall. This is my 1st year at AVA and 15th year teaching. 
I am originally from North Carolina, and graduated from the University of North Carolina - Charlotte with my Bachelor's degree.  After we moved to Florida, I graduated with my Master's degree in education from Jacksonville University. After a wonderful eleven years in Florida, in 2019, my family and I moved to Colorado. We love the small-town feel of Castle Rock and are proud to call it home.
I have a husband, two boys, and a fur-baby named Joy. My boys are in second and fourth grade and are almost as tall as me!
I look forward to knowing more about you and your child, and to an amazing 5th grade year together!