Debra Markert » Important Information

Important Information

Parents can put the app on their phone (go to the app store for their device and look for Infinite Campus Parent app (Icon looks like this..)
  1. Once the app has been downloaded, the parent will need to enter the District ID. The District ID for DCSD is QKKYJL
  2. Parents will log in with the username and password they created when setting up their Parent Portal account the first time a student of theirs was enrolled in a DCSD school. If you do not know your username or password, click here. There are links to retrieve your username and password. 
It is STRONGLY recommended that you log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal and check your notification settings. 
To review and modify your Contact Preferences, visit the Campus Portal on the web (not via the Campus Portal mobile app), log into your parent account, and click on the Contact Preferences option in the left hand column.

You can directly modify the email addresses on file; for phone number changes, please contact your school and ask to speak with the registrar to have those changes made.

Select the types of communications you wish to receive on each communication method. We highly recommend initially selecting all options available for communications; if you feel there is an excess of communication to any of the selected options, you can always deselect them later. 
What is AR Reading? 
Accelerated Reader is a computer-based program that schools may use to monitor reading practice and progress.
It helps teachers guide kids to books that are at kids’ individual reading levels. Kids take short quizzes after reading a book to check if they’ve understood it.
username: last name, 1st initial, middle initial (ex: [email protected])
Password: Ava, lunch number (ex: Ava123456)
Dibels is a Reading Assessment administered three times a year and also continuously monitored through out the school year. You will receive the results in Thursday folders after each benchmark.
If you would like to know more about DIBELS, here are two websites with more detailed information: Parents Guide to DIBELS.
Growth mindset is the idea that, with effort, it's possible to increase intelligence levels, talents, and abilities. Students who demonstrate a growth mindset believe their abilities develop over time, tend to seek out opportunities to gain new knowledge and broaden their skills, and do not typically shy away from challenges (Kazakoff & Mitchell, 2017).
Students with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. These students focus on learning over just looking smart, see effort as the key to success, and thrive in the face of a challenge.
Students with a fixed mindset believe that people are born with a certain amount of intelligence, and they can’t do much to change that. These students focus on looking smart over learning, see effort as a sign of low ability, and wilt in the face of a challenge.
Want to know more about the concept of growth mindset? Click here:
Want to know how you can support this idea at home? Click here:
Parent Resources:
What is Growth Mindset?
Growth mindset is the idea that, with effort, it's possible to increase intelligence levels, talents, and abilities. Students who demonstrate a growth mindset believe their abilities develop over time, tend to seek out opportunities to gain new knowledge and broaden their skills, and do not typically shy away from challenges (Kazakoff & Mitchell, 2017).
Students with a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. These students focus on learning over just looking smart, see effort as the key to success, and thrive in the face of a challenge.
Students with a fixed mindset believe that people are born with a certain amount of intelligence, and they can’t do much to change that. These students focus on looking smart over learning, see effort as a sign of low ability, and wilt in the face of a challenge.
Want to know more about the concept of growth mindset? Click here:
Want to know how you can support this idea at home? Click here: