Debra Markert » Math


Saxon Math is our Curriculum. We will have homework four days a week and then a quiz on Friday. Most days the students will be able to finish about half of their homework in class. Saxon math is a circular curriculum with a lot of repeating type problems and then a couple problems on the new concept we learned in class.
You can expect your student to have math homework every night, Mon-Thurs. This should be written in their planner. They ALSO have homework to practice times tables for 5 minutes each night. This may be done by doing Boddle, or you may practice flashcards with them for 5 minutes and sign their planner that they did it. Here is a webpage to use for practice, as well:
Monday:  GT Presents- Teach the Teacher
Tuesday: GT Presents- Teach the Teacher
Wednesday: GT Presents- Teach the Teacher