2nd Grade Teacher Branka Savic » Mrs. Savic's Second Grade Class

Mrs. Savic's Second Grade Class

Week of: October 21st- October 25th

Everything You Need to Know This Week: 
  • Homework and spelling words will come home Monday and will be due Friday, October 25th.
  • Please help your student study for the spelling test on Friday, October 25th.
  • Pay for Dress of Choice is Wednesday, October 23rd.
  • Free Dress of Choice is Friday, October 25th.
  • Trunk or Treat is on October 25th from 5:30-7:30pm. There will be a food truck, a DJ, an entertainer with fun games, a photo spot, and plenty of prizes!
  • Please write in your students' Friday Journal and return it to their backpack.
  • Please keep sending two nut-free snacks and a filled water bottle with your child daily.
  • Each week, don't forget to empty out your child's Thursday Folder. Have your child return it to school on Friday.
  • Please check your students' math and reading teacher's page to stay up to date on homework and what your student is working on in class.
  • STEM is our rotation for STEAM this week! Friday specials this week: Spanish
  • To avoid lost or broken student items, please leave toys and personal items at home.
  • Please label all student items with your students' first and last name & grade level.
  • Dress for the weather! Don't forget labeled coats, hats, and gloves when necessary.

STEAM Rotation: (Art, STEM, Music, Technology)


ART: Red

STEM: Orange

MUSIC: Green




Monday: PE
Tuesday: Spanish
Wednesday: Character Education
Thursday: Library
Friday: Rotates (PE, Spanish, Character Education, Library)



  • Fall Party: Thursday, October 31st


Mrs. Savic's Math Skills Group:

  • Counting Dimes and Pennies
  • Writing Addition and Subtraction Fact Families
  • Addition Facts: Sums of 8 and 9
  • Drawing a Picture to Solve a Problem
  • Looking for a Pattern to Solve a Problem
  • Written Assessment 5
  • Identifying Geometric Shape Pieces That Are Alike in Only One Way
  • Creating and Reading a Bar Graph
HOMEWORK: Math homework is due on Friday, October 25th. 

Mrs. Savic's Reading (CKLA) Skills Group: Skills 2

  • Grammar: Commas & Quotation Marks
  • Review & Practice
  • Grammar: Quotation Marks & Contractions
  • Writing: Draft a Narrative Book Report
  • Writing: Edit a Narrative Book Report
  • Spelling Test 
  • "Bedtime Tales" Readings:

    • "The Hare and the Hedgehog"
    • "How the Hedgehog Tricked the Hare"
    • "The Pancake Part 1"
    • "The Pancake Part 2"

  • HOMEWORK and SPELLING TESTS: Reading homework is due Friday, October 25th! Spelling test will be on Friday, October 25th. 



Current Writing Topic: Fictional Narrative

  • Review paragraph conventions and writing
  • Writers Workshop and Step Up to Writing 
  • Handwriting Practice
Writing: CKLA Knowledge: Domain 2: Early Asian Civilizations
  • Domain 3: The Ancient Greek Civilization

    • Mount Olympus, Part 2
    • The Olympic Games
    • All for Sparta
    • Athens and the Olive Tree
    • The Birthplace of Democracy
    • Vocabulary Words: mission, grand, Spartan, ideal, democracy  


Core Knowledge: Short Stories/Poetry

  • Talk Iktomi Stories
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Peter Pan
  • Bed in Summer
  • Tall Tales 
  • Buffalo Dusk 
  • Windy Nights 

History: The Ancient Greek Civilization

  • Geography: Mediterranean Sea and Aegean Sea, Crete
  • Athens and Sparta as a city-state: the beginnings of democracy
  • Persian Wars: Marathon and Thermopylae
  • Olympic Games
  • Mount Olympus, worship of gods and goddesses
  • Great thinkers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
  • Alexander the Great

Science: Properties of Matter

  • Introduction to Matter
    • Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space
    • There are many types of mater; solid, liquid, gas
  • Properties and Uses of Matter
    • Matter has properties that can be measured - size, weight, volume
    • Matter can be sorted or classified, by properties
  • Heating and Cooling Matter
    • Water has three states: liquid, solid (ice) and gas (water vapor)
    • The state of matter depends on temperature
    • Heating or cooling a substance can change its properties
  • Building with Matter
    • Some objects are made from a single type of matter
    • Other objects are made from different types of matter being combined or placed together


Parent Resources:

Reading every day is important!  Look at the statistic below:
Reading Stats

DIBELS Reading Assessment: is administered three times a year and also continuously monitored throughout. You will be receiving the results in Thursday folder after each benchmark.

NWEA (MAPS) Assessment: is also administered three times a year. You will receive these results as well in your child's Thursday folder.
Reading Resources: Some of these may cost money, but I wanted you to know they are out there.
Math Resources
Welcome to 2nd grade! My name is Branka Savic, and I am pleased to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. This is my 18th year in education and my 1st year teaching second grade here at Aspen View Academy. I have experience working with preschool students, kindergarten, and grades 2nd through 4th. I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you this school year. We are going to have a wonderful year together! 
Background image 2nd Grade Teacher Branka  Savic`s profile picture
2nd Grade Teacher Branka Savic
2nd Grade Teacher
8:00-8:20 Welcome/Morning Work
8:20-9:20 Math
9:25-10:25 CKLA/Reading
10:30-11:15 STEAM
11:20-12:00 Recess/Lunch
12:05-12:40 CKLA/Writing
12:40-1:25 Specials
1:25-1:45 CKLA/Writing
1:45-2:05 Recess/Snack
2:05-2:35 Intervention
2:35-3:25 History/Science
3:25-3:30 Pack up/Dismissal