Taylor Urzendowski » Taylor Urzendowski

Taylor Urzendowski


Meet Miss. U.

Hi, my name is Miss Urzendowski, but I go by Miss U. I am in my 5th year teaching, fourth year at AVA! I am SO excited to be here!  I am from Kansas City, Missouri and went to school at Northwest Missouri State University! I graduated with a bachelors in elementary education (K-6th Grade) and Social Studies Education (7th-12th Grade) with concentration areas in multicultural studies and social sciences. My favorite subject is History because it is like one big real life story! After school you can find me coaching Middle School Cross Country and Girls/Boys Basketball. I love everything outdoors; hiking, snowboarding, walking, and exploring new places. On my weekends, you can find me traveling, being outdoors with friends, or watching football (I’m a huge Kansas City Chiefs fan and Nebraska Cornhuskers fan). Thank you for sharing your sweet kiddos with me!



7:45 to 8:00 Homeroom

8:00 to 9:03 1st Period

9:07 to 10:02 2nd Period

10:06 to 10:56 3rd Period (Specials / Steam) 

11:00 to 11:55  4th Period

11:59 to 12:49  5th Period (Specials / Steam

12:54 to 1:45  6th Period Lunch

1:49 to 2:44  7th Period

2:48 to 3:30 8th Period (Electives Tuesday to Friday, Advisory Monday) 

Daily Schedule

  • Warm Up (may include Daily Geography, Map Skills, and/or writing prompt)-5-10 minutes
  • Review classwork or homework – 5 minutes
  • Class Work (reading, project work time, study time, class activity and/or discussions)-30 minutes
  • Wrap Up (Exit Ticket, discussion, review objectives)-5-10 minutes

Class Expectations

  • Treat each other politely and kindly.
  • Treat school and personal property respectfully.
  • Follow teacher requests.
  • Be prepared for class.
  • Make a sincere effort in your work, and request help if you need it.
  • Solve conflicts nonviolently.
  • Follow all school rules. 


Syllabus - Miss Urzendowski

7th Grade History

[email protected] 


The syllabus for this school year is subject to change based upon student needs and pacing as it is important to understand material fully before moving on.

Quarter 1

5 Themes of Geography

Location, Region, Human Environment Interaction, Movement, Place


United States Rise to World Power:

Hawaiian Independence, Russo Japan War, Rough Riders, Panama Canal, The Roosevelts


International Towne

Preparation for Our Day in International Towne where we will run a world country for a day.

Quarter 2

World War I:

Franz Ferdinand, The Ottoman Empire, Treaty of Versailles, Wilson’s 14 points


Russian Revolution:

Russian Government in the 1900s and today, Russian Civil War

Quarter 3


Harding and Coolidge, Red Scare, 19th and 21st Amendments,Jazz Age start in America, Model T car


The Great Depression (1930s)

The New Deal, Dust Bowl, Stock Market Crash



Mussolini-Fascist Italy, Stalin(ism)-Soviet Union, Hitler-Nazi Germany, Fransico Franco-Spain

Quarter 4


Holocaust survivors, Anti-Semitism in governments and countries, genocide


World War II

American Neutrality, Franklin D. Roosevelt, War Preparations on the Homefront, 1940s


Topics Covered:

  • 5 Themes of Geography
  • U.S. Rise to World Power
  • World War I
  • Russian Revolution
  • 1920s -The Roaring 20s
  • 1930s-The Great Depression
  • Totalitarianism
  • The Holocaust
  • World War II and the 1940s


Policies and Procedures

Please be on time for class, seated, and prepared to go when class starts with all materials necessary every day: computer (charged), composition notebook, and pencils.

  • No music, games, or emailing / texting during class time.
  • Turn in all assignments on time.  
  • Raise your hand from your seat and wait until called upon when asking a question, making a comment, or answering a question.


School computers are for school use only.  Playing games and/or using non approved websites and apps may cause computer privileges to be suspended. (See AVA website for approved sites and apps)



Student grades are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  Please check your student's grades on Infinite Campus

  • 50% Assessments (tests and quizzes)
  • 50% Practice (assignments and activities in class and as homework )


7th Grade Grading Policy: 

Standard Grading Scale

100 – 90% = A        89 – 80% = B        79 – 70% = C          69 – 60% =  D         59 – 0 % = F


Students will not be able to retake assessments in History Class.


All grades will be kept in Infinite Campus. Google Classroom and Infinite Campus DO NOT align, so please refer to Infinite Campus for current grades. 


If a learner has demonstrated “Academic Dishonesty” on any assignment or assessment, he/she will receive 50% credit for the first offense.  ZERO percent credit will be given on a second offense.  


Absent Work

Students will be given two days for every one day absent to complete work.  Absent work can be  found on Google Classroom, or the learner may ask for it upon his/her return to school. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignment(s) and complete it within the given time frame.  


Late Work Policy Learners will lose 10% credit for each day an assignment is late, after it is due, down to 50% (after five days). Late work is counted once the assignment or assessment is entered in Infinite Campus as missing.



Background image  Taylor  Urzendowski`s profile picture
Taylor Urzendowski
7th Grade History Teacher