Jennifer McQuillan » Jennifer McQuillan

Jennifer McQuillan

WELCOME to 6th Grade! We are so glad you're here!
Curriculum Night is Thursday, August 8th, 6:00 - 8:00pm
Due to limited space, parents/guardians are encouraged to attend.
If you are unable to attend, we will email the presentation to all families. Students will see the presentation when they return to school on August 12th. We will go into more detail with students. 
* Please send your student to school with a spill proof water bottle each day! Water bottles are the most lost item in the lost and found. Please label water bottles with your student's first and last name. 
Don't forget your AVA Express Check-in action items. 
* Pay consumable fees in My School Bucks
* Complete all forms
Please check Infinite Campus (IC) with your student on a regular basis to view grades and possible missing assignments. Infinite Campus
Important information:
Planning ahead:
First week of school:
We will be learning all about Middle School!
Student devices cannot go home until the Technology Agreement is submitted. Please make sure that your student reads the agreement. 
AVA Grading Scale:

A = 94 - 100%

C = 73 - 76%

A- = 93 - 90%

C- = 70 - 72%

B+ = 87 - 89%

D+ = 67 - 69%

B = 83 - 86%

D = 63 - 66%

B- = 80 - 82%

D- = 60 - 62%

C+ = 77 - 79%

F = 59% and below

* Late assignments will be graded one day per week with credit for date submitted. Late work is deducted 10% per day, or one letter grade. When absent, 2 days for every day absent is allowed before considered late.

Background image  Jennifer  McQuillan`s profile picture
Jennifer McQuillan
Middle School Math Teacher