Spirit Week Feb 12 - 15

The Student Council is hosting another Spirit Week February 12 - 15 for the entire school! Please show your school spirit and dress in the theme of the day!
Monday, February 12th: "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"- Sweats/Comfy Cozy Day
Tuesday, February 13th: "Team up with Kindness"- Jersey/Sport of Choice (Uniform Bottoms)
Wednesday, February 14th: "Spread the Love"- Red and Pink Out
Thursday, February 15h: "Show your School Some Love" - Dress in your grade level (Elementary) or House (MS) colors (with Uniform Bottoms). 
Show your School some Love" - colors are as follows...
Middle School: 
Black Wolves- BLACK
Arctic Wolves- WHITE
Timber Wolves- BLUE
Grey Wolves: GREY
Elementary School: 
5th Grade- GREEN
4th Grade- BLUE
3rd Grade- WHITE
2nd Grade- GREY
1st Grade- BLACK
Kindergarten- GREEN