Ms. Lauren Alvarez » Lauren Alvarez

Lauren Alvarez

Updated 05/03/24
Weekly "Newsletter" From Ms. Alvarez:
13 1/2 Days Left of 3rd Grade!! But who's counting? We have loved this year together so much, and I can't believe our time is coming to a close. 
We are coming up on our end of year testing windows. Please make sure that your student is coming to school on these testing dates. You can see these below under Upcoming Dates. We are so excited to go to Skate City in Littleton this year for their STEM presentation. We will be leaving AVA around 9:20am and returning to AVA around 2pm. Parents are more than welcome to meet us there and skate with us! If you'd like to chaperone, please email me to join the lottery! I will let you know ASAP about who has been chosen to join us! Click HERE to pay and give permission for your student to join us at Skate City! 
Mrs. Stump and I are looking for donations and volunteers to help run a Colonial Day on the last Friday of the year! Please look for an email coming from us early this week! If you would like to sign-up to volunteer or donate items, please CLICK HERE
Thank you for all of your support and partnership!
With Love, 
Ms. Alvarez
Important Information:
  • Please send your student to school with a filled water bottle as well as a couple healthy snacks for the day.
  • Reminder that we are a TREE nut-free classroom. 
  • Colorado weather changes hourly, so please pack your student appropriate attire for the day. 
  • We will have PE every Thursday- and some Fridays. Please have your student wear tennis shoes for those days.
5/6 - 5/10: Teacher Appreciation Week
5/7: Alvarez READING CLASS DIBEL testing
5/10: Balloon Popping Countdown starts! (Students will get a fun treat each day!)
5/10: MAPS Reading (Alvarez homeroom)
5/13: Colonial Test (Alvarez Homeroom)
5/16: Skate City - MSB Link -Here!
5/17: Colonial Day - CLICK HERE to donate or volunteer
5/13: Colonial Test
5/20: Field Day (11am-3pm)
5/21: Shark Tank Day (Information coming in Thursday folders)
5/23: Last Day!! Dismissal at 11:30
Weekly HW Expectations:
20 minutes of nightly reading and practice weekly spelling! 
Math Homework 2-3 times a week. 
We are starting our Poetry Writing unit! Students will build their very own Poetry Book! This week students will be practicing writing the following types of poems: "I Am" Poem, Shape Poem, and a Diamonte Poem! 
Word of the week: None
Each week student's will be discussing and practicing a word of the week. You can discuss the following questions at home with your student: What are some words that they think stood out to them this year? What is something they feel like they could do better with?
Homeroom Read Aloud: Wild Robot! 
Students will be working on the following concepts in reading: Text Features and Non-Fiction skills! Students will be researching information on a famous person of their choice, filling out a graphic organizer, and creating a power point of their person! 
Last week of spelling is this week!! Wooo! 
Spellings Words are in the side panel of this page.
Spelling list is given on Monday. 
Spelling Test is given on Friday.


We are working through the following concepts: Long Division practice, Points on a Grid, and EOY MAPS testing! We will have our LAST homework of the year, and our LAST test this week! Yay! 
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Test Review 
MAPS Testing
 Homework Due! 
We are wrapping up our FINAL UNIT of 3rd Grade History! We close out the year by learning about Colonial America! This week students will continue to learn about the different jobs and people that made up the colonies! Ask you student what job they would have wanted if they lived during this time! 
Alvarez: May 13th
Chambless: May 14th

Visit Mrs. Chambless' website


SPECIALS Schedule:


Mon Spanish
  Tues Character Education




  Fri Character Education

STEM Schedule:


Red Week  STEM 
  Orange Week  Music

Green Week

  Blue Week




Daily Schedule - 3rd Grade

8:00-8:20: Morning Meeting/Homeroom
8:20-8:50: Literacy/Grammar/Writing
8:55-9:20: Intervention
9:25-10:25: Math
10:30-11:10: Specials
11:20-11:35: Lunch
11:40-11:55: Recess
12:05-12:35: Literacy
12:40-1:20: Steam 
2:05-2:20: Recess
2:25-3:20: History/Science
3:25-3:30: Pack Up/Dismissal

Meet Ms. Lauren Alvarez

I am so excited to be back at Aspen View Academy!. This is my 4th year teaching, because I took the year off to travel and see some of our world. I saw so many amazing places, but I missed teaching so much and I am so happy to be a part of this 3rd Grade group. I received my bachelors degree in Elementary Education and my masters in Elementary Education both at the University of Northern Colorado. 


I love being a teacher, and I am so happy that I am back in the classroom with your students. I care about the well-being of your students, and strive to create a learning experience where every student can succeed to the best of their abilities.


I am here to support you to help support your students and at any point, please reach out to me to help ensure the success of your student. I'm looking forward to the GROOVIEST year, yet!!