Traci Waters » Traci Waters

Traci Waters

Meet Mrs. Waters

Mrs. Waters is so happy to be a part of the Aspen View Academy community. She has a strong belief in charter schools, and the core knowledge curriculum. One of the many things that she loves about AVA is the importance put on character education. She views developing this in her students as one of her most important and rewarding jobs.  Having struggled herself with dyslexia, she has a passion for helping her students learn and hopes to grow a love of reading in everyone she works with!  


Mrs. Waters is a Colorado native! Her degree is in English, with a minor in reading and an emphasis on elementary education. She graduated from Metro State University in 2001, and has been teaching in Colorado ever since. Born and raised in the great state of Colorado ensures a strong passion for being outdoors.   Mrs. Waters has a big family with 6 kids, and 4 dogs who are equal parts of the family!  


 Mrs. Waters favorite quote is from Dalai Lama, "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." She feels that if she comes to school every day with that in mind, there will be tremendous growth in her students.


Classroom Philosophy

Mrs. Waters has a strong belief that making her students feel safe and cared for is the first step in creating a positive learning environment.  She strives to create a positive atmosphere where kids feel encouraged, and learn to never give up. She believes that the struggle is sometimes necessary, and perseverance pays off!  Everyone can be a reader! 

Background image  Traci  Waters`s profile picture
Traci Waters
Intervention (6-8)