Jessica Miller » Week of Feb. 20th-March 1st

Week of Feb. 20th-March 1st

Important Dates: 


March 6th

Pay for Dress of Choice

March 8th

Spirit Wear Day

March 9th

Spring Soiree

March 12th & 14th

PT Conferences 4:15pm-8pm

March 15th-22nd

Spring Break

Homework was sent home on Friday.
Review week: Unit 4 Week 2
Essential question: How do animals help each other
Spelling: ee and ea
  1. me
  2. we
  3. keep
  4. feed
  5. beak
  6. seat
  7. easy
  8. hard
  9. because
  10. other
Bonus: beast, sneeze, cheese, hundred, don't


Understanding fact vs opinion and learning to write our own facts and opinions.

In Mrs. Miller's Math Class: 
- Using expanded form for numbers
-reading a pictograph with a 2 point scale
-More fun with fractions
Social Studies: 
Early Settlers: The lost colony, Jamestown, and
Presidents and symbols
Specials this week: 
Monday: Spanish
Tuesday: Character Ed. 
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: P.E.
Friday: Character Ed
This week's STEAM is Art