Pre-K Uniform Policy
Uniforms for Pre-K differ slightly then K-5. Pre-K students must wear uniform colored bottoms: gray, dark blue, or khaki, but they do not need to be Land’s End brand. Any uniform brand is fine as long as it is the uniform approved color. Additionally, Pre-K students may wear AVA Spirit Wear as their daily shirts. This is for Pre-K only due to the need for durability and wash-ability.
AVA spiritwear may be purchased through the AVA PTO/Wolf Shack. Click here to visit the Wolf Shack Store. Short sleeve t-shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, zip up hoodies/pullovers are all available at the Wolf Shack. If you have any questions please contact the PTO at [email protected].
Pre-K students may also wear Lands End uniform shirts. Those shirts must have embroidered AVA logo. Shoes should be athletic/sneaker type shoes suitable for climbing on playground equipment-no fashion boots, sandals, crocs, etc. Temperatures vary from classroom to classroom. The teachers will keep you informed of any special needs. No child will be permitted to wear pull ups. Removable clothing such as sweaters, raincoats, and boots should be labeled with the child’s name. Outdoor clothing should be suitable for the weather. Children play outside daily unless the the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or above 95 degrees Fahrenheit. They will need proper clothing in winter; this means mittens, boots, and hats.